Frequently Asked Questions

Who's at risk?

Security personnel, police officers and members of the military who fire guns at shooting ranges for recreation are at risk. People also at risk are mechanics, construction workers and machine operators. Large numbers of shooters are involved, particularly in the US, where there are about 16,000-18,000 indoor firing ranges.

In the US, about one million law enforcement officers train regularly at indoor firing ranges each year and 20 million people practice target shooting as a leisure activity.

The Geological Survey calculated that in 2012 about 60,100 metric tons of lead were used in ammunition and bullets in the US. Given that lead about is the least dominant metal in bullets and primers (which initiates the combustion of gunpowder in the bullet cartridge) there are large numbers of people exposed by firing bullets.

What our review found:

We reviewed 36 studies that measured blood lead levels at shooting ranges. The studies were from 15 countries, but most were from the US. About two-thirds of the studies looked at people who used shooting ranges for work.

We found blood lead levels of at least one of the participants in 31 of 36 studies had an elevated blood lead level. This means more than the current adult blood lead reference level of 5µg/dL, or 5 micrograms of lead per decilitre of blood, as recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. v Importantly, we found elevated blood lead levels (greater than 5µg/dL) in shooters using both indoor and outdoor shooting ranges, consistent with the release of the fine grained primer-based lead close to the shooter's face and body.

How are shooters exposed to lead?

Shooters are exposed to lead when firing lead bullets. The bullet primer is about 35% lead styphnate and lead dioxide (also known as lead peroxide). When a shooter fires a bullet, lead particles and fumes originating from the primer discharge at high pressures from the gun barrel, very close to the shooter.

Shooters are also exposed to lead from the bullet itself as some parts disintegrate into fragments due to misalignments in the gun barrel. The extreme heat during the firing of a bullet results in some vapourisation of these lead fragments.

Shooters inhale lead particles emitted during the firing of a gun, whether that's from the primer or bullet itself. Once deposited in the lower respiratory tract, lead particles (and different chemical forms the of lead) are almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream.

Lead dust from the shooting range also sticks to shooters' clothes and can potentially contaminate vehicles and homes. Shooters can also ingest lead particles by transferring them from their hands into their mouths when they smoke, eat or drink.

Shooters' blood levels tend to be higher the more bullets shot, the more lead in the air at shooting ranges and the increased calibre of weapon. based lead close to the shooter's face and body.

What other heavy metals are dangerous to our health?

Lead is very dangerous to our health but other heavy metal toxicity is also common and very dangerous. These metals must be prevented and removed when present. Arsenic and mercury are common from eating seafood. Aluminum is common in antiperspirants and some cooking appliances. The accumulation of these metals in the body cause the same type of health issues that are seen with lead poisoning.

How does lead affect the body?

The US National Toxicology Program reviewed the evidence for health effects associated with chronic lead exposure in adults and children at levels identified in our literature review.

They found such blood lead levels were associated with a range of neurological, psychiatric, fertility and heart problems.

While studies have not specifically investigated all these outcomes in shooters, it is biologically plausible these conditions are associated with raised blood levels resulting from exposure to lead at shooting ranges. But few studies have been conducted on the shooting population to be sure.

The Solution!

Chelation is the quickest and easiest way to remove metals from the body. Chelating agents adhere to the metals and render them harmless and able to be removed from the body safely through the urinary tract. Sometimes, chelation is so effective at removing heavy metals that it will also remove some healthy minerals with the unhealthy ones. A second product will be necessary to restore the healthy minerals. Lead Away and Mineral Restore can be used together to rid unwanted heavy minerals and replace the healthy ones.

If you are experiencing unwell feelings of brain fog, joint pain, and fatigue, you may be suffering from heavy metal poisoning. Blood and urine testing can be helpful to determine how severe your levels may be. Youthful New You can do a virtual evaluation by phone and order the necessary labs. Lead Away and Mineral Restore can get you back to optimal health.

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